
Matthew 11:12: "The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force"

From: The Christian Soldier"; Thomas Watson, 1669

Take heed of a slothful, lazy disposition. A slothful person would gladly have Heaven—but is loathe to take it by storm (Acts 14:22). Sloth is the soul's sleep. Many, instead of working out salvation (Phil. 2:12), sleep away salvation! (Heb. 2:3) Such as will not labor, must be put at last to beg. They must beg, as Dives in hell—for one drop of water!
God never made Heaven as a hive for drones!
Sloth is a disease apt to grow upon men—shake it off! (Mark 14:37) A sluggish ship is a prey to the pirate. A sluggish soul is a prey to Satan! When the crocodile sleeps with his mouth open—the rat gets into his belly and eats his entrails. Just so, while men are asleep in sloth—the Devil enters and devours them (1Peter 5:8).

Professing Christians, Awake!

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