
Lying Sin - by Thomas Brooks, 1652

From "Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices" Thomas Brooks, 1652
'...and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death' (James 1:14-15)

Sin is of a very deceitful and bewitching nature. Sin is from the greatest deceiver--it is the source of all the deceit in the world, and it is in its own nature exceeding deceitful [Rom. 7:19-20]. It will kiss the soul, and pretend good to the soul--and yet betray the soul forever!

It will with Delilah smile upon us, that it may betray us into the hands of the devil--as she betrayed Samson into the hands of the Philistines [Judges 16:19,20,21].

Tell the bewitched soul [2Tim. 2:25-26] . . .

that sin is a viper which will certainly kill it, that sin often kills secretly, insensibly, eternally;

yet the bewitched soul cannot, and will not, cease from sin!

That man is bewitched with sin--who had rather lose God, Christ, heaven, and his own soul--than part with his sin [Mark 8:36]!

Sin promises the best--but pays with the worst. Sin promises honor--and pays with disgrace.

Sin promises pleasure--and pays with pain. Sin promises profit--and pays with loss. Sin promises life--and pays with death!

A little hole in the ship--sinks it.
A little stab at the heart--kills a man.
A little sin, without a great deal of mercy [Rom. 7:24] --will damn a man!

Oh, therefore, forever take heed of playing, with, or nibbling at Satan's golden baits [Gen 3:1]!

Rom. 6:23 'For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord'

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